Dr. Tony:
I am here with one of my good friends and one of our wellness partners, Jen Appleberry-
of Appleberry's Attic Craft Studio in Anoka. I call her the Craft Queen of the North, and we are super excited to be partnering up again this year for the vision board workshop. As you can see on the sign right behind us here, that's next Thursday the 16th from 6:30 to 9:00 at her studio in Anoka. And I'm going to let Jen tell you exactly what a vision board is and why you should join us.
Jen Appleberry:
So a vision board is a collection of pictures and phrases and different things that really just come together on a board to where we are taking time to set some goals, set a vision, be intentional with what we want our 2025 to look like. And the good thing is that if we make it beautiful, if we make it pleasing to the eye and we set it up somewhere where we can see it, and it kind of just naturally keeps us on track. The science behind that.
But the beauty of this is that when you come to the vision board workshop, we give you a space, we give you time, we run you through an exercise to where you really can take a minute, silence the noise of your schedule, sit down, figure out what it is you want to accomplish in the next year, and then we put it all together in a beautiful way.
Dr. Tony:
So join us next week. Make sure you grab tickets for the event, and it's sure to sell out. It does every single year. Grab those tickets before they're gone.