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What Is Scoliosis?  

The term “scoliosis” is often used to describe a curve within the spine to the right or left. When looking at the spine from the front or back, it should be completely straight. A diagnosis of scoliosis is made when a curvature reaches more than ten degrees to the right or left.  

How Does Scoliosis Develop? 

The exact cause of scoliosis may be difficult to trace. Scoliosis often begins as a small misalignment of the spine. As the spine grows and develops, particularly around ages 10-14, the body compensates for the curvature by restructuring bone and muscles to better support the body. These changes can cause pain and dysfunction within the body including neck and back pain. In some cases, scoliosis can lead to other, more serious issues such as heart and lung dysfunction.  

How is Scoliosis Identified? 

Parents, teachers, or someone close are often the first to notice signs of scoliosis such as unleveled hips and shoulders. Our doctors are trained to assess for and identify abnormal curvatures of the spine, including scoliosis. An X-Ray is the best diagnostic test for scoliosis, and our doctors can order imaging as they see fit in the treatment of scoliosis.  

What Are My Treatment Options for Scoliosis? 

Traditional treatment options for scoliosis include bracing, surgery, monitoring, and physical therapy.  

At Essentials of Life Chiropractic, our doctors are trained to assess and correct the misalignments of the spine and pelvis that may be contributing to scoliosis. If your case is more advanced, our doctors are happy to recommend additional treatment options.  

What’s Next? 

Having your child assessed for scoliosis at a young age is vital to the correction and prevention of changes to the spine.  Schedule an appointment at Essentials of Life Chiropractic for a consultation and examination with one of our skilled doctors to determine the best course of treatment for scoliosis.  

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